
Moving on

I've moved back to my Tumblr as its easier to edit!! So for future goings on, please go to:

Look forward to tumbring with you there!!


Recent goings ok

Manic! That is the only way I can describe the past few weeks!

Been very bad with the exercise and diet over the past few weeks - I blame birthdays, meetings and general tiredness, but really I should have been more pro-active.

Recent purchases include:
Benefit Erase Paste in No.2 (a bargain off ebay!!)

AW10 Oasis - LOVE!!

Including my Lancome foundation, 2 birthdays and several nights out, I am super-skint! August has been perhaps my fav month recently though, so at least it has been fun!

Now in order to kick this fitness in for the next few weeks before holiday (12 days and counting!), I'm thinking of attempting spinning tomorrow morning! It sounds scary but a lot of people rave about it - anyone got any feedback or anything?!

As for now, I'm going to live off beans on toast until pay day as that is all my bank is allowing. Unless I find something pretty, and then the credit card may be making an appearance!


On a desperate hunt.....

For workout tunes!

I've got a little playlist called "cardio" on my iPod and it seriously needs updating! So any suggestions would be fab! I've got some clubby dance tracks on their (Call on Me, Pump it Up etc etc) and some more pop-rocky tracks such as Maroon 5, and some current chart hits too. I love the tracks they play in aerobics classes, but never get a chance to ask what CDs are being used (normally too focused on getting the hell out of there!!!)

Any suggestions would be greatly received..................


On the hunt for swishy hair......

Went to the hairdressers for my bi-monthly sort-out as I am trying to grow my hair past my shoulders!
The design this time was to have more hair at the front so its looking longer and thicker, which he has achieved, but I was seriously told off for straightening my hair too much! The eternal problem is that if I dont use my straighteners, I look like this:

But with less of the smile
 So I used my new curly bristle brush, and was equipped with my paul mitchell straightening stuff, and went to work. 45 mins later, it looks nothing like he managed to achieve! Yes its swishy, but the main adjective is frizzy. Definitely frizzy. So I had to use my straighteners a teeny tiny bit and sort out the bits at the front. Still got volume, but its in neat lines.
Anyone got any product suggestions for thick and frizzy hair to make it more manageable without being too flat? I want volume, but not like above!
Sometimes I do think the mohawk would be so much better.............


Purchase of the week

I finally got round to replacing my foundation on Friday (been using the Benefit tinted moisteriser for the past two years in fear of changing and turning orange/yellow with a new one!).
I went with the Lancome Teint Miracle foundation:

And I've got to say, it is fantastic! The people in Selfridges were spot on in picking my colour and it is just beautiful! Easy to apply and it hardly feels like I've got anything on, which is the look I'm going for as I'm not big on hefty make-up as a base. Would definitely recommend for people to have a look - at the moment its only in Selfridges but its due to go national in September =)

This is me

So I’m on a bit of a fitness kick (with good reason!)
As currently being labelled as borderline obese by the delightful BMI people, I felt it was definitely time to kick my toosh into gear. As you can tell from the recent pic above, I’m no skinny mini!
I recently joined Slimming World (did it a few years back with great success but sadly Uni life got in the way). The past few weeks havent been great as I’ve been yo-yoing up and down and self-sabotaging. So I’m incorporating the gym to try and burn some of the fat and get me in the zone. I’ve also started walking from Waterloo station to my office (near Regents Park - about 3.5km) at least 3 times a week in the morning to get some early cardio. And I feel so much better! So hopefully, the next picture I post in a months time will look a lot smaller!!